Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Am Present; Therefore I Am

I've been reading and listening to a lot of bloggers and opiners and frankly, I am digging what I am receiving, peeps.

The question of what makes humans "human" has pretty much defined our "race" -- to evolve, to propagate, to survive as well as to thrive, and so forth.

In the Renaissance, the great sentiment inspired by the awestriking cultural revolution was "I Feel, Therefore I Am!"

From the start and ever since, what humans are best at evolving is our philosophies:

"I think, therefore I am!" - Descartes

"I feel, therefore I exist." - Thomas Jefferson

"I ought, therefore I can." - Immanuel Kant

"Sometimes I think, and sometimes I am." - Paul Valery

"I want, therefore I am." - Leo Tolstoy

"I rebel, therefore I am." - Albert Camus

"iWeb, therefore I am." - Apple

With The 6AM Blog, I have even defined my philosophy as "I Be, Therefore I Am Human." A Human Being is how I perceive myself to be most productive. To simply be in alignment with highest intentions and unaffected by distractions of lower wills, humans being human sounds like a remarkable way to live to me. We all have the ability to be godlike, animalistic, vegetables and elementary. To inact those abilities while respecting our common humanness is an idealistic concept. Just a concept.

One of my dearest lifelong friends pointed out that it is not enough to be -- we must do. It is in our doing that we are defined. I see her point, but only so much that I see how my being is also not the whole truth. Most people just do to please, do to belong, do to avoid confrontation, do to be doing anything other than nothing. That won't float for much. And then there are some of us who seek to engage their being but are so alienating, we rarely make any impact on the energy spectrum of the human race.

So what is it, really?

We cannot simply do if we have not learned to be. We are not true in being if we are not willing to do. We feel, think, exist, moralize, hesitate, want, rebel and web -- but we do it in opposition of the whole of what we be. It's like the saying, Think With Your Heart, Not With Your Head. QUE? SO? WHAT? CHEESE?

I would like to propose that we change the human race from humans being or humans doing to simply: I am a human present.

To be present is not reserved for humans -- animals have this trait innately and plants demonstrate it in eerie psychic fashion. To be human present, however, takes everything that we know about us -- the stuff we agree with as well as the stuff we have rejected, all the contradictions packed together with essential awareness for our potential -- humans present cannot deny the great responsibility to and passion for life. All.

The gift of human life is our presence. When we devalue the gift, when we assume the gift to represent something we can manufacture, when we say the gift is not what we wanted... we lack presence.

I am a human present. To all of you who are, too, humans present, thank you for attending the Great Party. Let's rock and who's competing for Best Costume ;-)

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