Monday, November 3, 2008

Fortune Cookies - November 3, 2008

Ciao, Chyna!

Remember when you told me there was a lot of energy around my left thigh/leg area? That night I was grappling I was extremely aware that you were right. My left leg is pivotal in every submission, position, and transition I attempted. I use it way more than I use my right leg. Just wanted to share that with you. I also wanted to tell you that I thought about you and the energy you shared with me while I was grappling. At one point towards the end of a match, when I was grappling a more advanced guy and was completely exhausted, I thought about you and pulled energy from somewhere and finished the match without submission. Life won in that ritual.

You're beautiful,
~ Tony Esposito, Cage Fighter, NY.

Ciao, Tony!

Thank-you for letting me know how you are taking our experience in awareness and applying it to your sport. I feel absolutely blessed by our collaboration and hope to have the opportunity to work together artistically again.
chy pi


Ciao, Chyna!

Hey there

I happen to come across the show on Sundance tonight and I had the need to contact you, so i left you a message on the message board.. it was just about how brave and strong you are!

To give you a bit into my background, i was in the industry for many years back in Australia and I know all very well how hard it is to live in that world, and im not really talking about the "working girl world" but the world that "america" loves to place you in and judge you without knowing a bloody clue what it takes to work in the industry! Actually working with the clients is actually easier than dealing with the b. s. once you get outside the doors sometimes, to are outcasted over here, well thats from what i see.

SO I wanted you to know I am someone you can confide with though you probablly have many friends and contacts and working girls you consider your sisters, sometimes its nice to have someone from that outcast world that can be there to listen and laugh with!

I think you are a very beautiful woman, we are similar in age and as it seems have experienced many things the same!

I hope you add me and keep in touch

All my love
~ Nic, Australia

Ciao, Nic
chy pi


Ciao, Chyna!
"Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil. "

Loved tonight's show, I never anticipated that it would have the impact on me, as I sat crying, watching you cry, grasping on to your every word, it was from the heart and whoa! it blew me away... It was just over way too soon, i didn't want that moment to end, i wanted to hear more, in an effort that I could discover more. It really tapped into that aspect of my being of "what i didn't know, that I didn't know".

You were a hand reaching out from the other side, I thought I was the only one that felt those feelings, that cried alone in the dark of night, when nobody was around.

Thanks Chyna for giving me that moment. I walked away from it with a completely different listening for who you are in the world, you do make a huge difference in the lives of many, it's a wonderful gift.

I bet there are a lot folks out there that were left with the same emotion. Who you are and your energy shined through. I am anticipating next weeks episode with you and your auntie having that exchange. Your going in and requesting a review seemed so real and sincere to me, and it really spoke volumes as to who you are (and what you have to bring to the party). You are a great contribution.

I really was feeling that song also "bound to love you" ?, do you know who that is by? It was so fitting... that last scene was really tweeking my every lever and valve, it had me so dialed in, TOTALLY IN SYNC.

~ NR, 40/M, NorCal

Ciao, NR
I love and celebrate the fact that my truth is making waves and bringing stragers closer to an intimate collective. david baerwald's "born for love" off kalifornia soundtrack was playing in my scene. only reason we got to keep the scene unedited was that series producers, Joe and Harry Gantz, had previously worked with david on showtime's sexual healing -- so it was a miracle scene of connection on many beautiful artful planes.
chyna pi


Namaste Chyna,

The work you are doing is absolutely vital, needed and healing to our planet, to wounded masculinity, and to usurped female power.

I am highly intuitive and I would like to share my experience of you thus far, if I may. I asked to be your friend because by a serendipitous and synchronistic series of events, I was led to see several excerpts from Pleasure for Sale, and was delightfully and cosmically led to your myspace page. I saw three different clips of you, first, with you listening to your aunt speak about her views about no sex outside of marriage. I was really moved when you sat with her and told her that you really appreciated her point of view, and then proceeded to share with her your different approach. That was done with such compassion, love and respect for both you and your aunt, I just sat there in awe watching you. I don't know if you have consciously worked with the techniques of compassionate communication, but you totally have that down.

And then you picked up on your Aunt's disappointment. You empathized with her without showing any shame to yourself. I knew that even at that point in your life, you had attained a high degree of compassion for yourself and humanity. I have to say Chyna, that that is what makes you stand out. I was moved by a quality in you. You are really beautiful, and that beauty comes from a very deep place.

When I saw the excerpt with you and your (I think former) husband, I again saw a woman who had a lot of compassion and integrity. From my distant perspective I could see that you were light years ahead in you spiritual development and your ability to communicate in a non-violent way. Again, I was deeply moved by that.

And last, but not least, the suspension scene. You totally channeled an ancient indigenous woman in that scene. I thought to myself, this woman is a Warrior of Truth, Light/Shadow, Heart. So Chyna, I am honored to meet you and be your friend.

You walk with some strong and grounded spirits and I believe your path will continue to blossom in beautiful unforeseen ways. You are a magnificent healer and an incredibly awesome human being. Keep following your bliss and honoring your spirit, mind, heart, body.

~ Phillip, WA

Ciao, Phillip
it means a lot to me that you shared so much about how our paths aligned -- especially now, when my esteem has been strained, my vibrations are weak and my process has been slow, feedback is surely electrifying. your sense of artful timing is saucy.
chyna pi

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