Monday, November 17, 2008

Sacred Whores and Trick Hos - Part 5

A question I get asked a lot is "What is the difference between Sacred Whores and Trick Hos?" and it seems self explanatory, doesn't it? Yet, I suppose if the question keeps coming up, the confusion is in the wording of the question.

Sacred. This is a loaded word these days; however, trace the entymology: sacrum.

Sacrum: "bone at the base of the spine," 1753, from L.L. os sacrum "sacred bone," from L. os "bone" + sacrum, neut. of sacer "sacred." Said to be so called because the bone was the part of animals that was offered in sacrifices.

As a Sacred Whore, I sacrifice something in every session, but never -- ever, bitches -- my soul. In fact, what I do sacrifice, nourishes my soul... nourishes my partners' souls... nourishes the Absolute. It is definitely a process that did not begin with me nor will it end with me, but I am most useful to the process as long as I adhere to the sacred aspects of sexual ritual. It is about being in the moment where one is free of analysis, free of judgment, free of design. The only standard is that of being present.


I don't wish to insult ur intelligence with a verbose explanation of what a Trick is.

So, in practice, Trick Hos are all about getting as much money out of a trick as physically, mentally and emotionally possible. One pro I was talking to tonight explained it like this: "This job is 90% lies and the best liars know that a good lie is 2 parts Truth, 1 part Lie."

Imagine if you had that cocktail everytime you engaged sexually with someone -- sheeyat. Is there ANY confusion why Sacred Whores exhist BECAUSE of Trick Hos?!?!

Spiritually possible. That's what I get out of my sessions. Everything spiritually possible. And it's inexplicable. That's why when you look at the books and nothing else, you may come to the conclusion that I don't have a fucken clue as to what I'm doing. But you didn't look into my party's eyes. Truer, you didn't look through my party's eyes.

It's something I will have not only to tolerate, but also to incorporate in the way I project my art: the judgment of Trick Hos when I am incapable of judging them. It is the fulfillment of my childhood training that women will be my harshest critics. Bring it!

My conversation with aforementioned girl at the CR was very revealing. Well, she did all the talking... while I read her. It was just like at Madame Cleo's when I was working there to satiate my nymphomania and the other bitches be talking about what I do in my sessions behind my back and just always chiding about my game. Back then, I deserved it as I was fucked up, seriously. I was no where close to being Sacred. However, I behaved on a parallel pane.

It was my intense training with the guidance of Toltec Shaman Koyote and his community of sacred workers that began the refinement process from nymphomaniac to sacred sexual artist... from self-gratification to self-sacrifice.

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